Minggu, 03 Desember 2017


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1. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are numbers generated by the user with a pattern in their sequence. True or false?      True     False (*)
2. The first step to using a top-down approach to programming is to create a table to align the storyboard steps to the programming instructions. True or false?     True        False (*)
3. In Alice, which procedure is used to assign one object as the vehicle of another?     setClassVehicle     Vehicle     setObjectVehicle     setVehicle (*)
4. In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:      Are move statements     Are control statements (*)     Are complex statements     None of the above
 5. In Alice, procedural abstraction is the concept of making code easier to understand and reuse. True or false?      True (*)     False
 6. A textual storyboard helps the reader understand the actions that will take place during the animation. True or false?      True (*)     False
 7. From your Alice lessons, which of the following are types of storyboards?     Textual (*)     Actual     Factual     Visual (*)     Fictional
 8. Which of the following ways can you modify the code in the code editor window?     Disable (*)     Count     Copy & paste (*)     Drag to reorder (*)
9. To access the Alice Code editor from the Scene editor, which button do you click?     Code Editor     Code     Edit Code (*)     Access Code Editor
10. Which of the following procedures turns an object to face another object?     moveToward     orientToUpright     turnToFace (*)     turn
11. What do moving objects provide to your scene?     The sky and ground     The action (*)     The non-moving scenery     The procedures
12. Rings will appear around a sub-part indicating how you can reposition it. True or false?     True (*)     False
13. In Alice, there is a limit of 10 objects per scene. True or false?     True     False (*)
14. From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following movement: A person moves forward the distance to the table, minus the depth of the person.     this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table - this.Table getDepth     this.Table move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table - this.Table getDepth     this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table - this.Person getDepth (*)     this.Person move Forward this.Person getDistanceTo this.Table + this.Person getDepth
15. From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the following areas:     Proximity and point of view.     Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)     Proximity and size.     Distance to and nesting.
1. From your Alice lessons, variables are fixed and cannot be changed. True or false?      True     False (*)
 2. Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation: LapCount + 10 = 15     4     5 (*)     15     10     2
3. Alice uses built-in math operators; they are:     Add and subtract     Multiply and divide     All of the above (*)     None of the above
4. Alice uses built-in math operators. They are:     Add     Subtract     Multiply     Divide     All of the above (*)
5. If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java construct should you use?      repeat...until     while loop (*)     if     do while loop (*) 6. Which of the following statements about methods is false?     Java does not permit nesting one method definition within another method's definition.     The order in which methods are listed within the class is not important.     Classes must be defined directly within a method definition. (*)     Methods whose return type is not void are required to include a return statement specifying what to return.
 7. The list below describes variables. All are correct except which one?     Arranged in rows and columns. (*)     Has a type associated with it.     Has a unique name.     A place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later retrieval and use.
8. The list below displays valid primitive types in Java, except which one?     int     long     boolean     String (*)     double
9. In Alice, you must place the control structure in the code editor before adding any code that will go within it. True or false?      True     False (*)
10. The Alice IF control structure requires the false statement to be populated. True or false?      True     False (*)
11. You want an event to happen when an object collides with another object, which category of event handler would you choose?     Mouse     Position/Orientation (*)     Scene Activation/time     Keyboard
12. When you import a class from another file you have to import the entire class. True or false?     True     False (*)
13. Which of the following elements of the Alice animation should be tested before the animation is considered complete?     Math calculations operate as expected.     Objects move with smooth timing.     Comments are added to each sequence of instructions.     Control statements are operating as expected.     All of the above. (*)
14. When presenting your Alice animation, ensure that your presentation is thoroughly tested and complete. True or false?     True (*)     False
15. When presenting your Alice animation, it is not important to give the audience a reason to listen to the presentation. True or false?     True     False (*) 1. From your Greenfoot lessons, a scenario is a game or simulation implemented in Greenfoot. True or false?      True (*)     False
 2. An object is an instance of a class. True or false?     True (*)     False
 3. From your Greenfoot lessons, an instance inherits all of the characteristics of the class, and those characteristics cannot be changed. True or false?     True     False (*)
 4. In Greenfoot, the Run button repeatedly executes all of the programming statements in the class's act method in sequential order until the pause button is clicked. True or false?     True (*)     False
 5. When designing a game in Greenfoot, it helps to define the actions that will take place in a textual storyboard. True or false?     True (*)     False
6. In a Greenfoot if-statement, the programming statements that the if-statement executes are written in curly brackets. True or false?     True (*)     False
7. In Greenfoot, what happens if the condition is false in an if-statement?     The programming statements are executed.     The act method is deleted.     The if-statement is executed.     The programming statements are not executed. (*)
 8. Using the Greenfoot IDE, only five instances can be added to a scenario. True or false?      True     False (*)
9. In Greenfoot, the move method expects what type of information in its parameters?     Integer of steps to move forward (*)     True or false response     Degrees to turn     String statement
10. An instance variable can be saved and accessed later, even if the instance no longer exists. True or false?      True     False (*)
11. In Greenfoot, the body of the method is located in between which of the following characters?     Asterisks **     Curly brackets { } (*)     Square brackets [ ]     Parnetheses ( )
 12. The Greenfoot method getRandomNumber is used to create predictable behaviour in your scenario      True     False (*)
13. In Greenfoot, a semicolon is not necessary at the end of a method that uses dot notation. True or false?      True     False (*)
14. Which of the following Greenfoot methods returns a random number between 0, up to and including 10,000?     Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10,001) (*)     Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(9,999)     Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10,000)     Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(0-10,000)
 15. From your Greenfoot lessons, what can methods belong to?      Galleries     Classes (*)     Scenarios     Objects (*)     All of the above
1.  From your Greenfoot lessons, to save space in the act method, you can write an entirely new method below it, called a _____________.      Instance method     World method     Class method     Code method     Defined method (*)
2. In Greenfoot a collision is when 2 actors touch?      True (*)     False
3. In Greenfoot, defined methods must be used immediately. True or false?      True     False (*)
 4. In Greenfoot to get the users name you could use:      Greenfoot.getUserName();     Greenfoot.ask("Input Name: "); (*)     Greenfoot.prompt("Input Name: ");     Actor.prompt("Input Name: ");
5. From your Greenfoot lessons, the isKeyDown method is located in which class?     Actor     GreenfootImage     Greenfoot (*)     World
6. What type of parameter does the keyDown method expect?      The name of the sound file to play when the key is pressed.     The password that will protect the class.     The name of the key to press on the keyboard. (*)     The name of the class that will use the key.
 7. The GreenfootImage class enables Greenfoot actors to maintain their visible image by holding an object of type GreenfootImage. True or false?      True (*)     False
8. Which keyword is used to add an actor to a Greenfoot world?      super     addObject (*)     add     new
 9. In Greenfoot, the == operator is used to test if two values are equal. True or false?      True (*)     False
10. In Greenfoot, you can cast an Actor class to a World class?     True     False (*) 11. In Java what is casting?     Casting is when we change the coordinates of an actor     Casting is when we remove an object from the world     Casting is when we want to tell the java compiler that a class we are accessing is really another type of class (*)     Casting is when we reset the state of an instance.
 12. From your Greenfoot lessons, which one of the following is an example of when an abstraction technique is used?     Adding a property to an instance     Passing a paramater in a constructor to set an initial speed. (*)     Initialising a variable     Adding a property to a Class
13. In Greenfoot, what is a common letter used for the loop variable?      y     a     i (*)     x
14. How would the following sentence be written in Greenfoot source code? If Bee is turning, and the keyboard key "d" is down...     if (&&isTurning ! Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d") )     if (isTurning && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d") ) (*)     if (!isTurning && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d") )     if (!Greenfoot.isKeyDown && isTurning("d") )
15. In Greenfoot, which of the following statements could prevent an infinite loop from occurring?     i = 100 + i     i = i + 1 (*)     i=1     i = i 1. Consider the following method of the class Test:public static List returnList(List list){return list;}Which of the following program segments in Test's client class will compile with no errors?I. List nums = new ArrayList();nums = Test.returnList(nums);II. ArrayList nums = new ArrayList();nums = Test.returnList(nums);III. ArrayList nums1 = new ArrayList();List nums2 = Test.returnList(nums1);      I only     I and III (*)     II only     II and III     I, II, and III 2. It is possible to override methods such as equals() and toString() in a subclass of Object to fit the needs of the objects of the subclass. True or false?     True (*)     False 3. Which of the following would be most beneficial for this scenario? Joe is a college student who has a tendency to lose his books. Replacing them is getting costly. In an attempt to get organized, Joe wants to create a program that will store his textbooks in one group of books, but he wants to make each book type the subject of the book (i.e. MathBook is a book). How could he store these different subject books into a single array?     This is not possible. Joe must find another way to collect the books.     By ignoring the subject type and initializing all the book as objects of type Book.     By overriding the methods of Book.     Using polymorphism. (*) 4. All objects, in Java, are created using int. True or false?     True     False (*) 5. The following code creates an object of type Animal:Animal a;     True     False (*) 6. Which constructor code populates the instance variables of the class correctly?     this.certified=certified; 7. Static classes can extend their parent class. True or false?      True (*)     False 8. Static classes are designed as thread safe class instances. True or false?      True     False (*) 9. Any instance of the same class can assign a new value to a static variable. True or false?      True (*)     False 10. Which of the following could be a reason to need to pass an object into a method?      Easier access to the information contained within the object.     The ability to make changes to an object inside of the method.     Comparing two objects.     All of the above. (*) 11. You are assigned to write a method that compares two objects of type Career. One requirement of your assignment is to have your method compare the "greatestPossibleSalary" instance data of Career objects. The "greatestPossibleSalary" field is data type int.What would be the best return type from your compare method?      String, because is should return a string of the name of the career that is highest paying because none of the other information of the career matters.     Integer, because it is the easiest to code with.     Array, because it can store the most information.     Career, because if it returns the highest paying Career object it will be able to use the same method later to compare other aspects of Career objects. (*) 12. It is possible to overload a method that is not a constructor. True or False?     True (*)     False 13. Methods are generally declared as public so other classes may use them. True or false?     True (*)     False 14. It is possible for a subclass to be a superclass. True or false?      True (*)     False 15. An access modifier is a keyword that allows subclasses to access methods, data, and constructors from their parent class. True or false?     True (*)     False 1. Which of the following defines an Exception?      Code that has no errors and therefore runs smothly.     A very severe non-fixable problem with interpreting and running your code.     A problem that can be corrected or handled by your code. (*)     An interpreter reading your code. 2. What is wrong with this code?      It is missing a semicolon.     It gives you an out of bounds exception.     There is nothing wrong with this code.     It does not compile. (*) 3. A logic error occurs if an unintentional semicolon is placed at the end of a loop initiation because the interpreter reads this as the only line inside the loop, a line that does nothing. Everything that follows the semicolon is interpreted as code outside of the loop. True or false?      True     False (*) 4. What does the interpreter look for when an exception is thrown?     The end of the code.     It does not look for anything. It just keeps reading through your code.     It does not look for anything. It stops interpreting your code.     A catch statement in the code. (*) 5. It is possible to throw and catch a second exception inside a catch block of code. True or false?      True (*)     False 6. What will array arr contain after the following code segment has been executed?int [] arr = {5, 4, 2, 1, 0};for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){arr[i - 1] += arr[i];}      7, 3, 2, 1, 0     10, 6, 3, 1, 0     9, 6, 3, 1, 0 (*)     9, 6, 1, 3, 0     None of the above. 7. Which of the following statements add all of the elements of the one dimensional array prices, and then prints the sum to the screen?      int total = 0;     for(int i = 0; i total+=prices[i];     int total = 0;     for(int i = 1; i total = total+prices[i];     System.out.println(prices);     int total = 0;     for(int i = 0; i total+=prices[i];     System.out.println(prices);     int total = 0;     for(int i = 0; i total+=prices[i];     System.out.println(total); (*) 8. What is the output of the following segment of code?     1111     This code doesn't compile.     321111     11 (*)     111 9. What will be the content of the array variable table after executing the following code?      0 0 1     0 1 0     1 0 0     1 0 0     1 1 0     1 1 1 (*)     1 1 1     0 1 1     0 0 1     1 0 0     0 1 0     0 0 1 10. After execution of the following statement, which of the following are true? int number[] = new int[5];      number[0] is undefined     number[4] is null     number.length() is 6     number[2] is 0 (*) 11. The following array declaration is valid:int[] y = new int[5];      True (*)     False 12. The following array declaration is valid. True or false?int k[] = new int[10];     True (*)     False 13. The following array declaration is valid. True or false?; int x[] = int[10];     True     False (*) 14. The following creates a reference in memory named z that can refer to seven different doubles via an index. True or false? double z[] = new double[7];      True (*)     False 15. Which of the following declares a one dimensional array named names of size 8 so that all entries can be Strings?      String[] names=new String[8]; (*)     String[] name=new Strings[8];     String[] name=String[8];     String names=new String[8]; 1. In an if-else construct the condition to be evaluated must end with a semi-colon. True or false?      True     False (*) 2. The three logic operators in Java are:      !=,=,==     &&, ||, ! (*)     &&,!=,=     &,|,= 3. How would you use the ternary operator to rewrite this if statement?if (gender == "female") System.out.print("Ms.");elseSystem.out.print("Mr.");     (gender == "female") ? "Mr." : "Ms." ;     (gender == "female") ? "Ms." : "Mr." ;     System.out.print( (gender == "female") ? "Ms." : "Mr." ); (*)     System.out.print( (gender == "female") ? "Mr." : "Ms." ); 4. Which of the following correctly matches the switch statement keyword to its function?     case: signals what code is executed if the user input matches the specified element (*)     switch: tells the compiler the value to compare the input against     if: records the user's input and sends it to the case statements to find a possible match     switch: identifies what element will be compared to the element of the case statements to find a possible match (*)     default: signals what code to execute if the input does not match any of the cases (*) 5. The following code fragment properly implements the switch statement. True or false?default(input)switch '+':answer+=num;break;case '-':answer-=num;break;!defaultSystem.out.println("Invalid input");      True     False (*) 6. Which of the two diagrams below illustrate the correct syntax for variables used in an if-else statement?      Example A (*)     Example B 7. How would you use the ternary operator to rewrite this if statement?if (balance < 500)fee = 10;elsefee = 0;      fee = ( balance >= 5) ? 0 : 10;     fee = ( balance < 500) ? 0 : 10;     fee = ( balance >= 500) ? 10 : 0;     fee= ( balance < 500) ? 10 : 0; (*)     fee = ( balance > 5) ? 10 : 0; 8. What is the difference between the symbols = and == ?      The symbol = is used in if statements and == is used in loops.     The symbol == is used to assign values to variables and the = is used in declarations.     The = is use to assign values to variables and the == compares values. (*)     There is no difference. 9. For both the if-else construct and the for loop, it is true to say that when the condition statement is met, the construct is exited. True or False?      True     False (*) 10. The syntax below represents a valid initialization of a for loop counter. True or False?public class ForLoop {public static void main (String args[]){for (int i=10; i <20; i++){System.out.println("i: "+i); }}}     True (*)     False 11. Which of the following is true about a do-while loop?     It is a post-test loop.     It is a modified while loop that allows the program to run through the loop once before testing the boolean condition.     It continues looping until the condition becomes false.     All of the above. (*) 12. What is one significant difference between a while loop and a do-while loop?      A DO-WHILE loop includes an int that serves as a counter and a WHILE loop does not.     A DO-WHILE loop will always execute the code at least once, even if the conditional statement for the WHILE is never true. A WHILE loop is only executed if the conditional statement is true. (*)     There is no difference between a DO-WHILE loop and a WHILE loop.     A DO-WHILE loop does not exist in Java and a WHILE loop does. 13. In a for loop the counter is not automatically incremented after each loop iteration. Code must be written to increment the counter. True or false?      True (*)     False 14. Which of the following best describes a while loop?      A loop that is executed repeatedly until the conditional statement is false. (*)     A loop that contains a counter in parenthesis with the conditional statement.     A loop that contains a segment of code that is executed before the conditional statement is tested.     A loop that executes the code at least one time even if the conditional statement is false. 15. Which of the following correctly initializes a for loop that executes 5 times?      for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++) (*)     for(int i = 0; i < 5; I++)     for(int i = 1; i < 5; I++)     for(int i = 0; i == 6; i++) 1. What is the purpose of the Eclipse Editor Area and Views?     To modify elements. (*)     To choose the file system location to delete a file.     To navigate a hierarchy of information. (*) 2. When converting gallons to liters its best to put the calculation result into a variable with a _______________ data type.      int     double (*)     boolean     None of the above 3. What symbols are required for a compiler to ignore a comment?      /*/     /*     */     // (*) 4. Select the statement that declares a number of type double and initializes it to 6 times 10 to the 5th power.      double number=6*10^5;     double number=6e5; (*)     double number=6(e5);     double number=6*10e5; 5. What is the output of the following lines of code? int j=7,k=5,m=8,result;result=j/m*k;System.out.println(result);     0 (*)     4.375     0.175     280 6. What does the following program output     total cost: 48     total cost: 40 (*)     total cost: + 40     "total cost: " 40     "total cost: " 48 7. Which of the following is a legal identifier?      apple (*)     7up     grand Total     boolean 8. Examine the following code: What is the value of variable x?      2 (*)     14     6     2.5 9. Which of the two diagrams below illustrate the general form of a Java program?      Example A     Example B (*) 10. The following defines a class keyword:     Precedes the name of the class. (*)     Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control.     Provides the compiler information that identifies outside classes used within the current class. 11. The following defines a package keyword:     Precedes the name of the class.     Provides the compiler information that identifies outside classes used within the current class.     Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control. (*) 12. The following defines a class keyword:     Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control.     Provides the compiler information that identifies outside classes used within the current class.     Precedes the name of the class. (*) 13. Which of the following creates a String reference named str and instantiates it?     String str;     String str=new String("str"); (*)     String s="str";     str="str"; 14. The == operator tests if two String references are pointing to the same String object. True or false?     True (*)     False 15. The following code prints 5 "a"'s to the screen:      True     False (*) 1. Which of the following procedures turns an object to face another object?      turnToFace (*)     moveToward     turn     orientToUpright 2. When you disable a programming instruction, it is still executed when you run the Alice animation. True or false?     True     False (*) 3. Which of the following is a reason why you might disable programming statements in your Alice code?      To disable the entire program.     To make an object move forward.     To help isolate portions of code during testing. (*)     To make an object turn and move simultaneously. 4. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are numbers generated by the user with a pattern in their sequence. True or false?      True     False (*) 5. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are set in the distance and duration arguments in a procedure. True or false?     True (*)     False 6.  From your Alice lessons, a flowchart could be created in a software program, or documented in a journal. True or false?     True (*)     False 7. From your Alice lessons, which of the following is a tool to show the logic of an animation?     Pie chart     Scene editor     Class chart     Visual storyboard     Flowchart (*) 8. Which of the following is a reason why procedural abstraction may be used in programming an animation?     The code is too long. (*)     The code is difficult to read. (*)     The programmer wants to reuse the code. (*)     The programmer wants to save the animation. 9. Alice 3 will periodically remind you to save your project. True or false?      True     False (*) 10. In Alice, what does the resize handle style do?     Move along the x, y, and z axes     Rotate about the x, y, and z axes     Change size of the object and stretch it along the x, y, and z axes (*)     Simple rotation and movement 11. From your Alice lessons, what is a one-shot procedural method?     A procedure that is invoked when the Run button is clicked.     A procedure that is used to launch the program.     A procedure that is dragged into the Code editor.     A procedure that is used to make a scene adjustment. (*) 12. In Alice, when using the getDistanceTo function what menu option would you use to subtract a set value from the distance?      Whole to decimal number     Custom DecimalNumber     Random     Math (*) 13. In Alice, functions ask questions about an object. True or false?     True     False (*) 14. In Alice, a walking motion for a bipedal object can be achieved without the Do Together control statement. True or false?     True     False (*) 15. In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the procedure. True or false?     True     False (*) 16. A variable is a named location inside the computer's memory; once there, the information can be retrieved and changed. True or false?     True (*)     False 17. In Alice, there is no way of seeing the code as Java code. True or false?     True     False (*) 18.When creating an event based on a keypress which event handler would you use?     Position/Orientation     Mouse     Scene Activation/Time     Keyboard (*) 19. With keyboard controls, you can create Alice animations where the user controls an object that interacts with other objects. True or false?     True (*)     False 20. A conditional loop is a loop that will continue forever. True or false?      True     False (*) 21. In Alice, when using a while loop you can only execute a single line of code within it. True or false?      True     False (*) 22. From your Alice lessons, if you examined a science process that had many steps, which of the following is a way that you could apply functional decomposition to this process?     1. Identify the detailed steps for the science concept.     2. Present the problem as an animation.     Present the problem as an animation.     1. Present the problem as an animation.     2. Further refine and define the tasks needed for each high level step.     3. Identify the high level steps for the science concept.     1. Identify the high level steps for the science concept.     2. Further refine and define the tasks needed for each high level step.     3. Present the problem as an animation. (*) 23. What should you refer to for the animation's design specifications as you program your Alice animation?      Code     Scene editor     Storyboard (*)     Scenario 24. From your Alice lessons, at what point in the animation process do you confirm the items on the "Checklist for Animation Completion"?      After adding each procedure to the Code editor.     At the end of the animation process. (*)     At the beginning of the animation process.     During the animation process. 25. When you want specific code to be executed only if certain conditions are met, what type of Java construct would you use?      boolean     if (*)     array     while loop 26. What do lines 9 and 11 do in the following code?     Accept user input and store them in the variables num1 and num2. (*)     Scan the next page in the scanner.     Examine a file and scan the next line.     None of the above. 27. Examine the following code. What are the variables?     args (*)     n (*)     t (*)     i (*) 28. Which of the following does not describe variables?      Has a type associated with it.     Has a unique name.     Arranged in rows and columns. (*)     A place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later retrieval and use. 29. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward, double the distance to the tree?     this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2}     this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}     this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)     this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2} 30. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the fish forward, the distance to the rock, minus the depth of the rock?      this.Rock move forward {this.Rock getDistanceTo this.Fish - this.Fish - 2}     this.Fish move forward {this.Fish getDistanceTo this.Rock - this.Rock getDepth} (*)     this.Fish move forward {this.Rock getDistanceTo this.Fish - this.Fish getDepth}     this.Fish move forward {this.Rock getDistanceTo this.Fish - this.Fish - 2} 31. In Greenfoot, which of the following options are not possible when associating an image file with an instance?     Import an image     Select an image from the Greenfoot library     Add a video (*)     Draw an image 32. In Greenfoot, methods can be called in the act method. When the Act button is clicked in the environment, the methods in the method body of the act method are executed. True or false?      True (*)     False 33. Using the Greenfoot IDE, only five instances can be added to a scenario. True or false?     True     False (*) 34. In the Greenfoot IDE, an instance's position is on the x and y coordinates. True or false?      True (*)     False 35. An if-statement requires which type of information returned from the condition?     Integer     Method     True or false (*)     Action 36. From your Greenfoot lessons, source code is written in the Code editor. True or false?      True (*)     False 37.In Greenfoot to create a new instance of a class, you right-click on the class, then select which of the following commands in the class menu?     New subclass...     new Duke() (*)     Set image...     Inspect Duke()     Remove Duke() 38. What does an instance of the World class do?     Provide the source code for instances.     Provide the background scenery for the scenario. (*)     Provide the superclass for acting objects.     Provide the acting objects for the scenario. 39. In Greenfoot, which of the following are execution controls?      Act (*)     Move     Turn     Speed (*)     Run (*) 40. In Greenfoot, after a subclass is created and compiled, you cannot edit the subclass's source code. True or false?     True     False (*) 41. From your Greenfoot lessons, how do you know the program does not contain syntax errors?      Review the documentation.     Inspect the instances.     Compile the code. (*)     Write the code. 42. From your Greenfoot lessons, which axes define an object's position in a world?      y (*)     z     w     x (*) 43. In Greenfoot, the origin of the world coordinate system (0,0) starts in the center of the world. True or false?     True     False (*) 44. From your Greenfoot lessons, classes can only use the methods they have inherited. They cannot use methods from other classes. True or false?     True     False (*) 45. From your Greenfoot lessons, which of the following comparison operators represents "greater than"?      <     = =     > (*)     ! = 46. In Greenfoot, you can only interact with the scenario using a keyboard.     True     False (*) 47. What type of parameter does the Greenfoot playSound method expect?     name of the class (as String)     name of a sound file (as String) (*)     name of a keyboard key (as String)     name of an integer (as int) 48. What type of parameter does the keyDown method expect?     The name of the sound file to play when the key is pressed.     The password that will protect the class.     The name of the key to press on the keyboard. (*)     The name of the class that will use the key. 49. Use your Greenfoot knowledge to answer the question. One reason to write a defined method in a class is to make it easier to read. True or false?     True (*)     False 50. In Greenfoot a collision is when 2 actors touch?     True (*)     False 51. In Greenfoot, which of the following statement is true about Defined Methods?     A defined method is only relevant to the Greenfoot Development team.     A defined method only relates to the World class.     A defined method must be called by your source code, normally in the Act method. (*)     A defined method is automatically executed once created. 52. In Greenfoot, which method body correctly adds an instance of the World to a scenario, with size x = 300 y = 300 and a resolution of 2 pixels per cell?      Super(300,300,2);     super(300,300,2); (*)     world(300, 300, 2);     super(2,300,300); 53. When you re-initialize a scenario, Greenfoot automatically displays an instance of the World subclass in the scenario. True or false?     True (*)     False 54.Which of the following answers have the correct syntax for declaring a class variable in Greenfoot?     private variable-name, variable-type;     public variable-type variable-name; (*)     private variable-type variable-name; (*)     public variable-name variable type; 55. Use your Greenfoot knowldege: If an Actor class Fly has a variable defined to store the current speed, which of the following statements would successfully add a Fly and define the current speed as 2?     addObject (new Fly(2, 90), 150, 150);     addObject (new Fly(2), 150, 150); (*)     addObject (new Fly(), 150, 150);     addObject (new Fly(), 2, 150, 150); 56. Abstraction occurs in many different ways in programming. True or false?      True (*)     False 57. In Greenfoot, you can cast an Actor class to a World class?      True     False (*) 58. In Greenfoot, what happens if the end to a while loop isn't established?     The code will prompt you to enter a loop counter.     The code will execute once and then stop, due to controls in Greenfoot.     The code will keep executing and will never stop. (*)     The code will not execute. 59. In Greenfoot, when is a local variable most often used?     Within loop constructs (*)     Within the scenario     Within the act method     Within the world constructor 60. From your Greenfoot lessons, which symbol represents string concatenation?      Symbol =     Symbol <     Symbol + (*)     Symbol & 61. The following code prints 5 "a"'s to the screen:     True     False (*) 62. Consider the following code snippet     String forest = new String("Black");     System.out.println(forest.length());     What is printed?      Forest     7     6     Black     5 (*) 63. Which of the following creates a String reference named s and instantiates it?      String s=""; (*)     String s;     String s=new String("s"); (*)     s="s"; 64. Which of the following defines a driver class?     Contains a main method and other static methods. (*)     Contains classes that define objects.     Contains a main method, a package, static methods, and classes that define objects.     None of the above. 65. Which of the following defines a driver class?     Contains a main method and other static methods. (*)     Contains classes that define objects.     Contains a main method, a package, static methods, and classes that define objects.     None of the above. 66. Which of the two diagrams below illustrate the general form of a Java program?     Example A     Example B (*) 67. The following defines an import keyword:     Precedes the name of the class.     Provides the compiler information that identifies outside classes used within the current class. (*)     Defines where this class lives relative to other classes, and provides a level of access control. 68. Select the statement that declares a number of type double and initializes it to 6 times 10 to the 5th power.     double number=6*10^5;     double number=6*10e5;     double number=6e5; (*)     double number=6(e5); 69. What does the following program output?     "total cost: " 48     total cost: 48     total cost: + 40     "total cost: " 40     total cost: 40 (*) 70. Which of the following is the name of a Java primitive data type?      Rectangle     Object     String     int (*) 71. Which of the following statements correctly assigns "3 times 10 to the 4th power" to the variable number?     double number=3(e4);     double number=3*10^4;     double number=3*10e4;     double number=3e4; (*) 72. Which of the following is the name of a Java primitive data type?      double (*)     Rectangle     Object     String 73. In Eclipse, when you run a Java Application, the results may be displayed in the Console View. True or False?     True (*)     False 74. In Eclipse, when you run a Java Application, the results are displayed in a new window. True or False?      True     False (*) 75. What is the purpose of the Eclipse Editor Area and Views?     To navigate a hierarchy of information. (*)     To modify elements. (*)     To choose the file system location to delete a file. 76. Which of the two diagrams below illustrate the correct syntax for variables used in an if-else statement?      Example A (*)     Example B 77.What will print if the following Java code is executed?     5     4     0     3 (*) 78. Which of the following expressions will evaluate to true when x and y are boolean variables with opposite values?     I. (x || y) && !(x && y)     II. (x && !y) || (!x && y)     III. (x || y) && (!x ||!y)     I only     II only     I and III     II and III     I, II, and III (*) 79. How would you use the ternary operator to rewrite this if statement?     if (gender == "female") System.out.print("Ms.");     else     System.out.print("Mr.");     (gender == "female") ? "Ms." : "Mr." ;     System.out.print( (gender == "female") ? "Mr." : "Ms." );     (gender == "female") ? "Mr." : "Ms." ;     System.out.print( (gender == "female") ? "Ms." : "Mr." ); (*) 80. In an if-else construct, the condition to be evaluated must be contained within parentheses. True or False?     True (*)     False 81. switch statements work on all input types including, but not limited to, int, char, and String. True or false?      True     False (*) 82. The six relational operators in Java are:     >,<,=,!,<=,>=     >,<,==,!=,<=,>= (*)     >,<,=,!=,<=,>=     >,<,=,!=,=<,=> 83. Determine whether this boolean expression evaluates to true or false:     !(3 < 4 && 6 > 6 || 6 <= 6 && 7 - 2 == 6)     True (*)     False 84. Which of the following is true about a do-while loop?      It is a post-test loop.     It is a modified while loop that allows the program to run through the loop once before testing the boolean condition.     It continues looping until the condition becomes false.     All of the above. (*) 85. How many times will the following loop be executed?     What is the value of x after the loop has finished?     What is the value of count after the loop has finished?     int count = 17;     int x = 1;     while(count > x){     x*=3;     count-=3;     }      3; 27; 8 (*)     5; 30; 5     4; 8; 27     3; 9; 11     5; 27; 8 86. Updating the input of a loop allows you to implement the code with the next element rather than repeating the code always with the same element. True or false?     True (*)     False 87. The syntax below represents a valid initialization of a for loop counter. True or False?     public class ForLoop {     public static void main (String args[])     {     for (int i=10; i <20; i++)     {System.out.println("i: "+i); }     }     }      True (*)     False 88. A counter used in a for loop cannot be initialized within the For loop statement. True or False?     True     False (*) 89. In a for loop, the counter is automatically incremented after each loop iteration. True or False?     True     False (*) 90. Which of the following correctly initializes a for loop that executes 5 times?     for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++) (*)     for(int i = 0; i == 6; i++)     for(int i = 1; i < 5; I++)     for(int i = 0; i < 5; I++) 91. What is wrong with this code?      It gives you an out of bounds exception.     There is nothing wrong with this code.     It does not compile. (*)     It is missing a semicolon. 92. Which of the following would give you an array index out of bounds exception?      Using a single equal symbol to compare the value of two integers.     Refering to an element of an array that is at an index less than the length of the array minus one.     Refering to an element of an array that is at an index greater than the length of that array minus one. (*)     Unintentionally placing a semicolon directly after initializing a for loop.     Misspelling a variable name somewhere in your code. 93. Which of the following defines an Exception?      A problem that can be corrected or handled by your code. (*)     An interpreter reading your code.     Code that has no errors and therefore runs smothly.     A very severe non-fixable problem with interpreting and running your code. 94. A computer company has one million dollars to give as a bonus to the employees, and they wish to distribute it evenly amongst them.     The company writes a program to calculate the amount each employee receives, given the number of employees.     Unfortunately, the employees all went on strike before they heard about the bonus. This means that the company has zero employees.     What will happen to the program if the company enters 0 into the employment number?     An exception will occur because it is not possible to divide by zero. (*)     An unfixable error will occur.     The program will calculate that each employee will receive zero dollars because there are zero employees.     The programmers will have proven their worth in the company because without them the company wrote faulty code. 95. If an exception has already been thrown, what will the interpreter read next in the program?     The user input.     Where the program catches the exception. (*)     The next line of the program even if it is not the catch block of code.     The end of the program. 96. What will be the content of the array variable table after executing the following code?      1 0 0     1 1 0     1 1 1 (*)     1 0 0     0 1 0     0 0 1     0 0 1     0 1 0     1 0 0     1 1 1     0 1 1     0 0 1 97. What is the output of the following segment of code?     642     642246 (*)     This code doesn't compile.     321123     312213 98. The following segment of code prints all five of the command line arguments entered into this program. True or false?      True     False (*) 99. What is the output of the following segment of code if the command line arguments are "apples oranges pears"?     3 (*)     0     This code does not compile.     2     1 100. Which of the following declares and initializes a one dimensional array named values of size 5 so that all entries contain 1?      int[] values={1};     int[] values={1,1,1,1,1}; (*)     int values={1,1,1,1,1};     int values[]={1,1,1,1,1,1}; 101. The following segment of code initializes a 2 dimensional array of references. True or false?      String[][] array={{"a", "b", "C"},{"a", "b", "c"}};     True (*)     False 102. Which of the following declares and initializes a one dimensional array named words of size 3 so that all entries can be Strings?     String[] words=new String[3];     String[] words={"Over","the","mountain"}; (*)     String strings=new String[3];     String[] words={"Oracle","Academy"}]; 103. Which of the following statements print every element of the one dimensional array prices to the screen?     for(int i=0; i <= prices.length; i++){System.out.println(prices[i]);}     for(int i=0; i < prices.length; i++){System.out.println(prices[i]);} (*)     for(int i=1; i <= prices.length; i++){System.out.println(prices[i]);}     System.out.println(prices.length); 104. What is the output of the following segment of code if the command line arguments are "apples oranges pears"?      args     apples     pears (*)     oranges     This code does not compile. 105. Which of the following statements is a valid array declaration?     counter int[];     float average[]; (*)     double[] marks; (*)     int number(); 106. Which of the following creates a method that compiles with no errors in the class?     1 public class thisClass{     2 private int a=4, b=5;     3 public int calculate(){a=a+b; return a;}} 107. What is wrong with the following class declaration?      class Account{      private int number;      private String name;      public Account;      }     There is nothing wrong.     The constructor method has no definition. (*)     Classes cannot include mixed data types.     Classes cannot include strings. 108. All objects, in Java, are created using int. True or false?     True     False (*) 109. What does it mean to inherit a class?     A way of organizing the hierarchy of classes.     Extending a method from a superclass.     The access specifier has been set to private.     The subclass (or child class) gains access to any non-private methods and variables of the superclass (or parent class). (*) 110. Where should the constructor for a superclass be called?     The super constructor does not need to be called inside the subclass.     The last line in the constructor of the subclass.     The first line of the constructor in the subclass. (*)     Inside the main method of the subclass.     Anywhere inside the subclass. 111. Which of the following is the proper way to set the public variable length of the super class equal to 5 from inside the subclass?     super.length(5)     super.length = 5 (*)     super(length = 5)     super.length() = 5 112. Which of the following statements about static methods is true?     They can access any instance variable.     They exist once in each instance.     They can be overridden by a subclass.     They cannot access static variables declared outside the method.     They exist once per class. (*) 113. A final static variable can change at runtime. True or false?      True     False (*) 114. Static methods can return any object type. True or false?      True (*)     False 115. If a class is immutable then it must be abstract. True or false?     True     False (*) 116. Which of the following are true about abstract methods?     They must be overridden in a non-abstract subclass. (*)     They cannot have a method body. (*)     They must be overloaded.     They must be declared in an abstract class. (*)     They may contain implementation. 117. If we override the toString() method with the code below, what would be the result of printing?     It would print the array backwards. The console screen would display: 42 11 64 215 18 0     It would print the string returned from the method. The console screen would display: [0,18,215,64,11,42,] (*)     It would print the array one element at a time. The console screen would display: 0 18 215 64 11 42     It would print the string returned from the method. The console screen would display: {0, 18, 215, 64, 11, 42} 118. Which of the following is the definition for a variable argument method?      Specifies accessibility to code.     A type of argument that enables calling the same method with a different number of arguments. (*)     A way to create a new class.     Having more than one constructor with the same name but different arguments. 119. Which of the following could be a reason to return an object?     Because you wish to be able to use that object inside of the method.     It has faster performance than returning a primitive type.     The method makes changes to the object and you wish to continue to use the updated object outside of the method. (*)     None of the above. It is not possible to return an object. 120. Which of the following is the definition of a constructor?     A way to call a method with a variable number of arguments using an elipse.     A variable in a method declaration that gets passed into the method.     A keyword that specifies accessibility of code.     A special method that is used to assign initial values to instance variables in a class. (*)

Cheap Offers:
1.            Which of the following is not a type of event listener in Alice?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Scene Activation/Time
                Cursor (*)

2.            In Alice, what tab would you choose to start a new animation with a pre-populated world?          Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Blank Slate
                Starters (*)
                My Projects

3.            In Alice, you can access the Java on the side option through which menu option?              Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Window (*)

4.            From your Alice lessons, variables are fixed and cannot be changed. True or false?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

5.            You have a Class representing Cat. A cat can meow, purr, catch mice, and so on. When you create a new cat, what is it called?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                A subprogram
                A submethod
                A subclass
                A variable class
                An instance (*)

Section 2
                (Answer all questions in this section)

6.            Which of the following statements about methods is false?         Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Classes must be defined directly within a method definition. (*)
                Methods whose return type is not void are required to include a return statement specifying what to return.
                The order in which methods are listed within the class is not important.
                Java does not permit nesting one method definition within another method's definition.

7.            In Alice, the use of conditional control structures allows what two types of loops?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                conditional (*)

8.            From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect?         Mark for Review
(1) Points
                At the object's head
                At the object's bottom
                At the object's chest
                At the object's center point (*)

9.            Which of the following are examples of elements you would test in your Alice animation?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                Math expressions calculate as expected. (*)
                All of the procedures display in alphabetical order in the Procedures tab.
                Event listeners trigger the correct responses. (*)
                Objects move with smooth timing. (*)

10.          What type of Alice listener object is required to target a mouse-click on any object in the scene, allowing the user to drag that object around the scene when the animation is running?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
                addMouseListener procedure
                addListener procedure
                addDefaultManipulation procedure
                addDefaultModelManipulation procedure (*)

Section 2
                (Answer all questions in this section)

11.          In Alice, which of the following arguments could be replaced with a random number?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                Duration (*)
                Distance (*)
                Object name
                Procedure name

12.          Alice uses built-in math operators. They are:       Mark for Review
(1) Points
                All of the above (*)

13.          In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward, double the distance to the tree?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
                this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2}
                this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}
                this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)
                this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}

14.          In Alice, which function is used to move an object directly to the center point of another object?              Mark for Review
(1) Points
                getDistance (*)

15.          When you disable a programming instruction, it is still executed when you run the Alice animation. True or false?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

Section 2
                (Answer all questions in this section)

16.          In Alice, Do In Order and Do Together:   Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Are move statements
                Are control statements (*)
                Are complex statements
                None of the above

17.          In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the object, motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false?              Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

18.          In Alice, a walking motion for a bipedal object can be achieved without the Do Together control statement. True or false?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

19.          In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                A task to perform. (*)
                A person to help.
                A problem to solve. (*)
                A section of code to write.
                A system to start.

20.          In Alice, when a new procedure is declared, all subclasses of the superclass will inherit the procedure. True or false?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

Section 2
                (Answer all questions in this section)

21.          Procedural abstraction may need to be implemented if an object in Alice needs to perform an action, but there isn't an inherited procedure that accomplishes that action. True or false? Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

22.          The list below describes variables. All are correct except which one?       Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Has a type associated with it.
                Has a unique name.
                A place in memory where data of a specific type can be stored for later retrieval and use.
                Arranged in rows and columns. (*)

23.          The list below displays valid primitive types in Java, except which one?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
                String (*)

24.          Alice 3 will periodically remind you to save your project. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

Section 3
                (Answer all questions in this section)
25.          In Greenfoot, which of the following methods return the world that the instance lives in?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                World getWorld() (*)
                World getClass()

Section 3
                (Answer all questions in this section)

26.          From your Greenfoot lessons, in an if-statement, the programming statements written in curly brackets are executed simultaneously. True or false?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

27.          In Greenfoot you can only access the methods of the current class?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

28.          In the Greenfoot IDE, what does the AND operator (&&) do?     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Compares two boolean values, and returns a boolean value which is true if and only if one of its operands are true.
                Compares two boolean values, and returns a boolean value which is true if and only if both of its operands are true. (*)
                Compares two boolean values and returns a boolean value which is true if either one of the operands is true.
                Compares two boolean variables or expressions and returns a result that is true if either of its operands are true.

29.          In Greenfoot, which of the following statements could prevent an infinite loop from occurring?                Mark for Review
(1) Points
                I = 100 + i
                i = i + 1 (*)
                i = i

30.          In Greenfoot, a local variable is declared at the beginning of a class. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

Section 3
                (Answer all questions in this section)

31.          In Greenfoot, what types of values cannot be stored in a local variable?                Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Method (*)
                Class name
                World name

32.          Which of the following type of audience should you ask to play your Greenfoot game during the testing phase? Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Target (*)

33.          In object oriented programming, programmers analyze a problem and create objects to solve the problem. True or false?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

34.          Which one of the following can be used to detect when 2 actors collide?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                isTouching() (*)

35.          In Greenfoot, a way to have all subclasses of a superclass inherit a method is by adding the method to the superclass. True or false?             Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

Section 3
                (Answer all questions in this section)

36.          What type of parameter does the Greenfoot playSound method expect?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                name of a keyboard key (as String)
                name of a sound file (as String) (*)
                name of the class (as String)
                name of an integer (as int)

37.          Greenfoot has tools to record sound. True or false?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

38.          Which of the following answers have the correct syntax for declaring a class variable in Greenfoot?         Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                public variable-name variable type;
                public variable-type variable-name; (*)
                private variable-name, variable-type;
                private variable-type variable-name; (*)

39.          In Greenfoot, which method is used to add a new instance to a scenario when the world is initialized?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
                addObject (*)

40.          Constructors are called automatically when a new intance of a class is created? True or false?     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

41.          In Greenfoot, the instance has a source code editor. True or false?          Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

42.          In Greenfoot, the move method expects what type of information in its parameters?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Integer of steps to move forward (*)
                Degrees to turn
                String statement
                True or false response

43.          Using the Greenfoot IDE, only five instances can be added to a scenario. True or false?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

44.          In Greenfoot, the body of the method is located in between which of the following characters?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Curly brackets { } (*)
                Square brackets [ ]
                Asterisks **
                Parnetheses ( )

45.          In Greenfoot, a subclass is a specialization of a superclass. True or false?               Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

Section 3
                (Answer all questions in this section)

46.          In Greenfoot, the Run button repeatedly executes all of the programming statements in the class's act method in sequential order until the pause button is clicked. True or false?         Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)

47.          From your Greenfoot lessons, what can methods belong to?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                                (Choose all correct answers)      
                Classes (*)
                Objects (*)
                All of the above

48.          In Greenfoot, the origin of the world coordinate system (0,0) starts in the center of the world. True or false?                Mark for Review
(1) Points
                False (*)

49.          The first step to executing an if-else statement is to:____________.     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                Execute the else statement
                Evaluate the class
                Execute the if statement
                Evaluate the condition (*)

50.          An if-else statement executes its first code block if a condition is true, and its second code block if a condition is false, but not both. True or false?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                True (*)


Section 2 Oracle Java Fundamentals Quiz
Section 2 - Quiz 1 L1-L7
            (Answer all questions in this section)
1.         In Alice, which control statement is used to invoke simultaneous movement?         Mark for Review
(1) Points                                
            Do In Order
            Do Together (*)                                 

2.         In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the procedure. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
False (*)

3.         Manually manipulating an Alice object with your cursor is a way to precisely position an object. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

4.         Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

5.         In Alice, where are objects added and positioned in the scene?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            The template
            The Scene editor (*)
            The Code editor
            The gallery

6.         Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be defined?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            The debugging process
            The control statements
            The code
            The scenario (*)

7.         In Alice, which of the following are benefits of separating out motions into their own procedures?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            It makes the scene easier to view.
            It can allow subclasses of a superclass to use a procedure. (*)
            It simplifies code and makes it easier to read. (*)
            It makes the animation easier to run.
            It allows many objects of a class to use the same procedure. (*)

8.         Which Alice tool is used to demonstrate the process flow of an animation? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Pie chart
            Textual storyboard
            Visual storyboard
            Flowchart (*)

9.         Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?

Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review
(1) Points
            mouse turnTo cat
   turnToFace this.mouse (*)
            this.mouse turnToFace
            cat TurnTo mouse

10.       From your Alice lessons, which control statement executes instructions simultaneously?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Do in order
            Do together (*)

11.       From your Alice lessons, built-in functions provide precise property details for the following areas:            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Proximity and point of view.
            Distance to and nesting.
            Proximity and size.
            Proximity, size, spatial relation, and point of view. (*)

12.       From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following movement: A turtle moves forward half the distance to the flower.          Mark for Review
(1) Points
            this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower * 2
            this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 1.0
            this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 0.5
            this.Turtle move Forward this.Turtle getDistanceTo this.Flower / 2.0 (*)

13.       What is the purpose of a function in Alice?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            To position the object in the Scene editor.
            To save the project.
            To compute and answer a question about an object. (*)
            To define how the object should execute a task.

14.       The comments you enter in Alice should describe the sequence of actions that take place in the code segment. True or false?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

15.       Which of the following is a reason why you might disable programming statements in your Alice code?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            To disable the entire program.
            To make an object move forward.
            To make an object turn and move simultaneously.
            To help isolate portions of code during testing. (*)

1.         From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            At the object's center point (*)
            At the object's head
            At the object's chest
            At the object's bottom

2.         Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

3.         In Alice, which of the following is not a control statement? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Move (*)
            Do In Order

4.         In Alice, a computer program requires functions to tell it how to perform the procedure. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

5.         When is an instance created in Alice? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            After the scenario is saved.
            After the folder is selected in the gallery.
            After the class icon is dragged into the scene. (*)
            After the code is created.

6.         Which of the following is an example of nesting in an Alice program?         Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Five Do Together statements are nested inside of a Do In Order statement. (*)
            A move procedure is nested inside of a turn procedure.
            Distance, duration, and direction arguments are nested inside of a procedure.
            Text is nested inside of a comments tile.

7.         Which Alice control statement executes a set of procedures simultaneously?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Do in order
            Do together (*)

8.         Programming comments do not affect the functionality of your Alice animation. True or false?     Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

9.         What is the first step to entering comments in an Alice program?     Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Select the instance from the instance menu.
            Drag and drop the comments tile below a code segment.
            Type comments that describe the sequence of actions in the code segment.
            Drag and drop the comments tile above a code segment. (*)

10.       In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected instance. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

11.       In Alice, what function would you use to get a wholenumber from the user?          Mark for Review
(1) Points
            getIntegerFromUser (*)

12.       In Alice, there is no way of reordering the function list in the function tab. True or false?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

13.       Defining the scenario, and the Alice animation to represent the scenario, is the first step to programming your animation. True or false?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

14.       In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a procedural abstraction technique. True or false?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

15.       In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            A problem to solve. (*)
            A task to perform. (*)
            A person to help.
            A system to start.
            A section of code to write.

1.         Before you can begin to develop the animation storyboard, what must be defined?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            The debugging process
            The control statements
            The scenario (*)
            The code

2.         In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a procedural abstraction technique. True or false?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

3.         A scenario gives the Alice animation a purpose. True or false?          Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

4.         From your Alice lessons, which programming instruction represents the following movement: A cat moves forward double (or twice) the distance to the tree.     Mark for Review
(1) Points
            this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree / 2.0
            this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree - 2.0
            this.Cat move Forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree * 2.0 (*)
            this.Cat move forward this.Cat getDistanceTo this.tree + 2.0

5.         In Alice, where you would you get access to the specific joints of an object that are not available through the object drop down menu? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            scene editor
            procedures tab
            functions tab (*)
            code editor

6.         Only acting objects have one-shot procedures. True or false?            Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

7.         From your Alice lessons, where on an object do an object's axes intersect?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            At the object's bottom
            At the object's chest
            At the object's head
            At the object's center point (*)

8.         Which Alice execution task corresponds with the following storyboard statement?

Cat turns to face mouse. Mark for Review
(1) Points
   turnToFace this.mouse (*)
            mouse turnTo cat
            cat TurnTo mouse
            this.mouse turnToFace

9.         In Alice, the computer specifies the low and high range values for the range of numbers from which to pull a randomized number. True or false?       Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

10.       When something is broken or doesn't work as intended in a software program, it is referred to as a _________?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Bug (*)

11.       Debugging and testing is the process of running the animation one time, and adjusting the control statements, procedures, and arguments.         Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

12.       In Alice the Functions tab will display the pre-defined functions for the selected instance. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

13.       What is the first step to programming an object to turn left in Alice?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Select the object to program from the instance menu. (*)
            Drag the turn procedure into the Code editor.
            Select the duration for the object to turn.
            Select the distance to turn.

14.       In Alice, the procedures' arguments allow the programmer to adjust the object, motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

15.       Which of the following actions would require a control statement to control animation timing?     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            A biped object walking. (*)
            A rock object turning.
            A bird flying. (*)
            A fish swimming. (*)

1.         Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation: LapCount + 10 = 15        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            5 (*)

2.         Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type?  Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Whole Number
            Decimal Number
            Function (*)

3.         In Alice, what are the forms of a scenario?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            A problem to solve. (*)
            A person to help.
            A task to perform. (*)
            A section of code to write.
            A system to start.

4.         From your Alice lessons, animations should be tested by the programmer before they are considered complete. True or false?          Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

5.         From your Alice lessons, when testing your animation, you should test that comments were added below each sequence of instructions in the code. True or false?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

6.         In Java, a function is a method that must return a value. True or false?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

7.         Which of the following does not describe methods? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value.
            A set of code that is referred to by name.
            Is associated with an instance variable. (*)
            Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.

8.         In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
            Using object detection.
            Using math operators. (*)
            Slowing movements down.

9.         Alice uses built-in math operators; they are:   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Add and subtract
            Multiply and divide
            All of the above (*)
            None of the above

10.       In Alice, what tab would you choose to start a new animation with a pre-populated world?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Blank Slate
            Starters (*)
            My Projects

11.       In Alice, when is the sceneActivationListener executed?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
            When the user clicks on on object
            At the end of the animation
            At the beginning of the animation (*)
            When an object appears on screen

12.       A data type defines the type of procedures a variable can store. True or false?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

13.       If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

14.       In Alice, the use of conditional control structures allows what two types of loops? Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            conditional (*)

15.       In Alice, which one of the following is not a pre-defined control structure? Mark for Review
(1) Points
            do in order
            do together
            do while (*)

1.   In Java, which symbol is used to assign one value to another?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points      
= (*)

2.   What is the output produced by the following code? 
    Mark for Review 
(1) Points

j is 10 
j is 5 
k is 5
j is 5
k is 5 (*)
j is 10
k is 10
j is 15
k is 15

3.   When you want specific code to be executed only if certain conditions are met, what type of Java construct would you use?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
if (*)
while loop

4.   If you need to repeat a group of Java statements many times, which Java construct should you use?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
      (Choose all correct answers)  
while loop (*)
do while loop (*)

5.   In Alice it is not possible to transfer a class from one animation to another. True or false?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
False (*)

6.   You want an event to happen when an object collides with another object, which category of event handler would you choose?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
Scene Activation/time
Position/Orientation (*)

7.   Which of the following is not an Alice variable value type?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
Decimal Number
Function (*)
Whole Number

8.   The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that apply):   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
      (Choose all correct answers)  
"Greetings" (*)
"Howdy" (*)
"4" (*)
None of the above.

9.   Which of the following WHILE control structures commands the fish to move forward repeatedly 0.5 meters at a time, but stop if it collides with the shark?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points


10.   In Alice, we use the WHILE control statement to implement the conditional loop. True or false?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
True (*)     

11.   In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the butterfly forward, double the distance to the tree?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}
this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2}
this.Butterfly move forward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree * 2} (*)
this.Butterfly move backward {this.Butterfly getDistanceTo this.Tree / 2}

12.   An example of an expression is:   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
If or Where
3*3=9 (*)
Move forward 1 meter
"I feel happy."

13.   From your Alice lessons, a textual storyboard provides a detailed, ordered list of the actions each object performs in each scene of the animation. True or false?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
True (*)

14.   From your Alice lessons, when testing your animation, you should test that comments were added below each sequence of instructions in the code. True or false?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
False (*)

15.   What can be used as a guideline to ensure your Alice animation fulfills animation principles?   Mark for Review 
(1) Points 
An animation checklist (*)
Other programmers
The Internet
A close friend

1.         An event is any action initiated by the user that is designed to influence the programοΎ’s execution during play.     Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

2.         In Alice, what tab would you choose to start a new animation with a pre-populated world?           Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Starters (*)
            My Projects
            Blank Slate

3.         Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator in Java?    Mark for Review
(1) Points
            $ (*)
            None of the above

4.         If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            True (*)

5.         In Java, a function is a method that must return a value. True or false?        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

6.         The list below contains method descriptions. All are correct except which one?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            Is associated with an instance variable.
            A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value. (*)
            A set of code that is referred to by name. (*)
            Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.

7.         In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
            Using math operators. (*)
            Using object detection.
            Slowing movements down.

8.         Alice uses built-in math operators; they are:   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Add and subtract
            Multiply and divide
            All of the above (*)
            None of the above

9.         Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation: LapCount + 10 = 15        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            5 (*)

10.       The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that apply):     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            "Greetings" (*)
            "Howdy" (*)
            "4" (*)
            None of the above.

6.         The list below contains method descriptions. All are correct except which one?      Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)                                                              
            Is associated with an instance variable.
            A subprogram that acts on data and often returns a value. (*)
            A set of code that is referred to by name. (*)
            Can be called at any point in a program simply by utilizing its name.

7.         In Alice, we can avoid object collision using what?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Downloading the Alice 3 collision detector app.
            Using math operators. (*)
            Using object detection.
            Slowing movements down.

8.         Alice uses built-in math operators; they are:   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            Add and subtract
            Multiply and divide
            All of the above (*)
            None of the above

9.         Define the value of the variable LapCount based on the following math calculation: LapCount + 10 = 15        Mark for Review
(1) Points
            5 (*)

10.       The initializer of a variable with a TextString value type could be (select all that apply):     Mark for Review
(1) Points
                                    (Choose all correct answers)  
            "Greetings" (*)
            "Howdy" (*)
            "4" (*)
            None of the above.

15.       The Alice If control structure requires the false statement to be populated. True or false?   Mark for Review
(1) Points
            False (*)

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